
Corporate assessment through strategic data integration

refinq enables financial institutions to conduct comprehensive biodiversity and climate risk assessments even when asset-specific location data is incomplete.

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The challenge of overcoming incomplete asset data for risk assessment

Financial institutions often face the challenge of incomplete data at the asset level when assessing environmental impact. refinq solves this by strategically integrating available data and making intelligent approximations, enabling cumulative exposure to nature risk to be calculated with accuracy, even in the absence of granular asset data.

How refinq solves it

With refinq, you can:

  • Assess your entire operationrefinq bridges data gaps by sourcing third-party data or approximating asset-level risks using industry standards and regional or country-level averages, ensuring no part of your portfolio is left out.
  • Gain insights into nature-related risksrefinq provides a comprehensive view of biodiversity exposure, climate impact, and dependencies for your entire portfolio, even when asset-specific data is incomplete.
  • Leverage powerful data integration toolsrefinq integrates third-party data into your risk assessments or uses strategic approximations to ensure financial institutions have a complete understanding of nature risks, regardless of data availability.
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    Why financial institutions choose refinq for footprinting

    Data-driven biodiversity and climate risk assessments: Why leading financial institutions trust refinq

  • Comprehensive risk assessment with incomplete datarefinq bridges data gaps by sourcing third-party data or approximating biodiversity and climate risks using industry, regional, and country averages. This ensures that all assets are included in the risk profile for the entire portfolio, providing a complete picture.
  • Strategic data integrationrefinq integrates both internal data from your institution and external datasets from trusted third parties, offering seamless analysis through the platform. When asset-level data is missing, refinq uses advanced approximations based on geographic or industry standards to provide accurate insights.
  • Alignment with reporting standardsrefinq helps financial institutions comply with biodiversity and natural capital reporting frameworks like ESRS E4 and TNFD, even when asset data is incomplete. Our platform ensures that your institution meets regulatory requirements while mitigating nature and climate-related risks.
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    Start footprinting for incomplete data today!

    Discover how refinq can help your company make data-driven decisions and counter climate & biodiversity risks even when facing data limitations.


    Frequently asked questions about refinq's portfolio impact assessment tool

    What is refinq?

    refinq is a platform that helps financial institutions assess both climate and biodiversity risks across their portfolios, delivering data-driven insights aligned with leading environmental regulations like TNFD, CSRD, and ESRS.

    What is refinq’s Footprinting tool?

    refinq’s Footprinting tool allows businesses to assess their biodiversity risks comprehensively, even when asset-specific data is incomplete. We either source third-party data or approximate risks using industry, regional, or country-level data.

    How does refinq handle incomplete asset data for biodiversity and climate risk assessments?

    When asset-level data is missing, refinq uses third party asset data or strategic approximations based on regional, industry, or country averages, ensuring that companies can still achieve a complete biodiversity and climate risk profile.

    What types of biodiversity risks does refinq assess?

    refinq assesses key biodiversity risks such as species extinction, land degradation, and biodiversity intactness, providing insights into both direct impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services like water and soil retention.

    How does refinq assess climate risks?

    refinq assesses a wide range of climate-related hazards, including heat stress, drought, flooding, heavy rainfall, hail, crop failure, and landslides, and many more. Our tool evaluates these risks based on both current conditions and future climate scenarios, providing location-specific insights that align with global reporting standards like TNFD and ESRS.

    Does refinq’s tool meet global reporting standards for biodiversity risk?

    Yes, refinq aligns its assessments with global frameworks like the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), ensuring compliance with international reporting requirements.

    How does refinq approximate risks without available location data?

    We either source third-party data or approximate risks using industry, regional, or country-level data.

    How is sensitive business data protected in refinq’s platform?

    refinq ensures all data, including biodiversity and climate information, is securely stored on European servers and adheres to strict data confidentiality and protection protocols.
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