Enterprise Nature Risk Management Platform

Discover the Real Impact of Nature & Climate on your Business

Increase revenue, lower costs and stay compliant with the most complete Nature Risk Management Platform.

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Measure, Report & Manage your Interdependencies with Nature

Our geospatial AI platform translates scientific data on nature & climate risks into quantifiable financial terms, such as potential cost savings, risk mitigation values, and impact on revenue.

  • High GranularityMulti-layered datasets provide comprehensive ecological awareness critical for business operations.
  • Geospatial ForecastingEvaluate financial risks associated with climate change and biodiversity in 4 scenarios until the end of the century.
  • Actionable InsightsUnderstand nature's impact on your business and vice versa to take the necessary steps to reduce exposure.
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Our Tools Will Grow on You

We Arm You With the Essentials for a Successful Business Strategy

Achieve long-term revenue growth, minimize risks and potential losses, and ensure that your organization meets current and future legal requirements.

See the Full Picture

refinq is the only solution that reports and measures both physical climate and biodiversity risks and opportunities for your location. Why? Because climate and nature are two sides of the same coin. It makes no sense to only look at one of them.
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Measure Financial Impact

The impact of nature goes far beyond reporting frameworks, regulations compliance. Use refinq to learn the full financial risks and opportunities of nature to your business and your baseline. The right data leads to the right decisions.
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Get Reporting Right, Every Time

We help leading companies stay ahead of nature reporting frameworks and the latest regulations. refinq covers a vast amount of climate & nature data needed for disclosure, saving a significant amount of time in the process.
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A Complete View

Simply Understand Your Full Exposure to Nature

Sustainability and risk managers use our SaaS platform to automate the analysis and mitigation of complex biodiversity and climate impacts into tangible insights and financial forecasts to significantly improve decision making.

Physical Risks

The potential negative effects of climate-related changes on specific locations, such as landslide, floods or droughts.

Impacts on Biodiversity & Ecosystems

Understanding and minimizing your impact on the environment is essential for mitigating future negative consequences.

Dependencies on Natural Resources

Natural resources such as fresh water supply are often vital for the ongoing economic activities of numerous companies.

Financial Impact

Companies will bear the expenses for ecosystem restoration in the event of their destruction.

refinq in Action

Take a Quick Tour of Our Platform

Get a primer of our enterprise nature risk management platform and see it's full potential.

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A Science-Based, User-Friendly Solution to Manage
Nature Impact

refinq is revolutionizing your path to complex sustainability-related data and forecasting its financial impact, acting as your end-to-end provider for nature assessments on an asset-based level.

Real-Time Dashboard

Provides a real-time view of the location-based relationship between your organization's assets and nature, highlighting key insights, trends, and risks.

Geospatial Scenario Analysis

Simulates various scenarios and gain valuable insights into how changes in biodiversity may affect financial performance and vice versa.

Automated Reporting Module

Automated climate compliance reporting aligned with international disclosure frameworks (TNFD, CSRD, ESRS, SBTN, etc.)

Get Started

Start Managing Nature's Interdependencies
With Your Business Now!

Integrate sustainability data into their strategic decision-making processes.


What Else We Think You Should Know

Answers to frequently asked questions to help you understand how refinq can streamline your environmental financial planning.

What is refinq?

refinq is a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool that translates environmental data into actionable financial insights for businesses.

How granular is our data?

We can create nature assessments for any company location globally with a granularity up to 25m.

Does refinq's data meet regulatory demands?

Yes, our assessment is aligned with international disclosure frameworks, such as the The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Standard (CSRD) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

How far can I forecast into the future?

refinq allows for forecasting the environmental impact based on four climate scenarios until the end of century to the year 2100.

Is refinq science based?

Yes, we are using the latest socioeconomic and climate models used in complexity research, enriched with your asset data to create accurate nature assessments. Moreover, we are aligned with the Science Based Target Network (SBTN).
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